Woolley Wood School, Chaucer Road, Sheffield, S5 9QN

0114 2327160

Woolley Wood School




Click below to find out more information and activities you can complete with your child

Phonics Information for parents

Phonics working from home phase two

Phonics working from home phase three


Jolly Phonics

Jolly phonics: All children at school have regular access to Jolly Phonics and many are familiar with the tunes and engage with it. Many will know the actions linked to the sounds. There are also significant numbers of children who can identify the sounds in words and decode simple words using their knowledge and sounds and blends.

You could organise a hunt around the house for a sound of the day.  Children could match objects to sounds. The more able children can complete on line activities or printouts, if you have access to reading and writing materials.

You can access Jolly phonics primarily through Youtube, there are however many sites that will have the songs and actions associated with Jolly Phonics as well as activities.

The following are a few:






Phonics play


Phonics games and activities

Phonics play comics


Linked to the site above, has phonic based comics to read at different levels

ICT games


Variety of games for phonics, reading etc.

A wide range of worksheets and activities for home, as well as guidance if you are new to phonics
